May News! (In Video Form)
I thought I’d do something different for my May news update — because this is pretty huge! — and make a video.
(I’ve been told this is pretty exciting — but I’m a video-making newbie, so let me know how I did.)
So yes, I’m joining the Blue Book Cover Brigade as a virtual partner in the 2018 Napa Valley Ride to Defeat ALS and Walk that’s conducted by the Golden West Chapter of the ALS Association.
That means a minimum of 25% of the sales of my novel Inherit the Stars will go to this wonderful benefit as part of our fundraising efforts.
You can also make a direct donation to my benefit page, or to ANY of the authors in the Blue Book Cover Brigade. Donations are accepted via credit card through my page, but you can also send a check. Just scroll down under the benefit description on my page and find the link that says “_” to download a form to include with your check.
Any amount is appreciated! And you can donate anonymously and even make a donation in memory of someone special.
You need links? Got ’em right here:
Inherit the Stars on Amazon
Laurie’s Blue Book Cover Brigade Page
Blue Book Cover Brigade Group Page
Easy links to all books/authors included in the BBCB benefit
Thank you kindly to everyone who is able to help this wonderful cause.
